Aluminum sulfate is one of the most used chemical coagulants in the world, but research has shown that high concentrations of aluminum in the body associated with neuropathological conditions. Therefore, various alternatives have been evaluated as a natural coagulant, which are considered safe for human health and contain fewer contaminants than chemicals because of the nature of their biodegradation.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of mixing mucus nopal and cassava starch to eliminate turbidity in water purification. In this paper, test jars and processing equipment (TA scale FQ-005 / PE produced by Generatoris SA de CV Mexico) is applied to measure turbidity and pH parameters before and after the process of coagulation-flocculation, which is applied to the water of the Magdalena River in Colombia. Samples of two sample periods assessed.
One evaluated during the rainy season and the other evaluated without precipitation (drought) with initial turbidity of 316 NTU and 80 NTU, respectively. It was found that aluminum sulfate as a coagulant reference result better elimination of turbidity (up 99%) compared with nopal (up 60.4%), and the combination of nopal-starch cassava (up 67%), suggesting that this mixture increases the effectiveness of a natural coagulant were used individually. Our results indicate that this should be considered as an alternative in the water purification process.
cancer research modern, and a wealth of data at multiple spatial and temporal scales, has created the need for researchers who are experts in the field of science (biology of cancer, developmental biology, immunology), medicine (oncology) and natural sciences (mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science). traditional college undergraduate education occurs in disciplinary silos, creating a steep learning curve at the graduate and postdoctoral levels are increasingly bridging various disciplines. Many universities have begun to embrace the interdisciplinary curriculum, but students who double major in mathematics (or other quantitative science) and biological (or medicine) remain scarce.
We identified the need to educate high school students about integrating mathematics and biology capabilities, through the lens of mathematics oncology, to better prepare students for a future career in interdisciplinary interfaces. High School Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP IMO) at Moffitt Cancer Center has so far trained 59 students between 2015 and 2019. We report here on the program structure, training deliverables, curriculum and results. We hope to promote interdisciplinary education activities early career students.
Effectiveness of the mixture of nopal and cassava starch as clarifying substances in water purification: A case study in Colombia
Natural architecture for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
The ability to control the interactions between the functional biomaterials and biological systems is essential for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, defining the mechanisms underlying the interaction between nature and the human body biomaterial complex.
Therefore, the main challenge is to design biomaterials that mimic the in vivo micro. For millions of years, nature has produced a wide range of biological materials optimized for different functions, ranging from the extracellular matrix (ECM) for structural support and biochemistry of the cell to the sacred lotus with special wettability for self-cleaning effect.
Description: These CD4+ T cells are specific for a peptide derived from tetanus toxoid bound to HLA-DRB1*01. They also recognize whole tetanus toxoid but only when presented by dendritic cells, not B-LCL.
Description: This kit is an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitative detection of IgG antibodies to Tetanus Toxoid in human serum or plasma. It is intended for diagnosing and monitoring of patients related to infection by Tetanus Toxoid.
Description: TET 830 modified/T-helper epitope from tetanus toxoid – AQYIKANSKFIGITEL Tetanus Tetanus is a life-threatening condition caused by Clostridium tetani bacteria. After entering the body through a break in the skin, they produce a toxin that causes convulsions and severe muscle spasms, that can be strong enough to fracture bones of the spin. Tetanus toxin inhibits neurotransmitter release by binding to peripheral neuronal synapses. The substance will then be internalized and transported to the spinal cord where it will be able to move between postsynaptic and presynaptic neurons.For the time being, there is no cure for tetanus. Indeed, the extreme potency of the tetanospasmin toxin prevents immunity in infected people, leading to 30-40% deaths among this population. Symptoms usually start 4 to 21 days after infection, and most of the people get them after about 10 days. Tetanus vaccine Thanks to the widespread use of tetanus vaccines, infections are rare in many countries. However, this disease remains a threat for people without access to vaccination. Immunization against tetanus is recommended for all infants between 6 and 8, all children, and all adults.Immunization is achieved by 3 or 4 injection of tetanus toxoid (inactivated toxin) completed by booster injections every 10 years. Tetanus Toxoid Tetanus toxoid is the altered form of tetanus toxin (UniProt: P04958), used in vaccines to prevent tetanus infection.Tetanus Toxin QYIKANSKFIGITEL peptide explications SB-PEPTIDETetanus toxin actes as a zinc endopeptidase, that cleaves the ’76-Gln-|-Phe-77′ bond within synaptobrevin-2, thereby impeding the release of neurotransmitters. AQYIKANSKFIGITEL – Tetanus helper peptide Among the 1315 amino acids composing tetanus toxoid, researchers identified the fragment (830-844) QYIKANSKFIGITEL (see #SB305 – TET 830 peptide) that binds to MHC class II molecules as a nonspecific vaccine adjuvant to induce and increase the helper T-cell response.Later addition of Alanine at the N-terminal of the sequence turned the peptide into a universal human tetanus toxin T-cell epitope that can be used as helper peptide in vaccinations.
Many of these systems are found in biology have recognized the unique surface properties to regulate cell behavior. Integration of natural surface properties such as biomaterials can bring new cell responses in vitro and provide greater insight into the processes that occur in the cell-biomaterial interface.
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